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Privacy Policy

Data Protection:


Your personal details may be collected by the Festival Organiser at different junctures, including at the time of registration and entry to the festival. Please note that this data is only held for the purposes of ensuring safety of all visitors. It will not be shared with any third-parties, except under authority of law or for the purposes of compliance with directions of statutory authorities

Photography, videography, and camera surveillance: 

a.    The Festival Organisers capture atmospheric images that may be used in content such as social media posts. However,  photos featuring photos featuring the faces of any visitor will not be published without their prior permission, which shall be sought at the time of your entry to the Festival premises. Visitors who are agreeable to the use of photographs featuring their faces will be given a green-coloured band, and those who are not, shall be given a red-coloured band. By agreeing to wear the green-coloured band, you give a general permission to the Festival organisers to use any and all photographs featuring your face, and individual permission for each photograph shall not be required. Naturally, we shall not use any photographs that compromises a visitor’s safety or privacy, or are obscene. 

b.    Camera surveillance at the Festival may be carried out in accordance with local legislation. These recordings will only be used for security purposes during the Festival and will not be passed on to third parties, except to the competent authority upon receipt of a formal request.

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