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Sarah Tulivu

Sarah Tulivu - Taiji, Qigong and workshop on Conscious Communication

Sarah Tulivu

Sarah Tulivu, or Fong Yi, has trained in meditation for the past 13 years. Six of those years were passed living full-time as a monk in a Tao Temple, training in the Taiji Tao System (also called Temple Style).
In 2019 she was advised to leave the Temple, learn how to carry the practice into everyday life and share the Taiji practice with those interested who cross her path. Since then, she has been leading retreats and workshops around the world.
Sarah will be with us at ŪRU, travelling all the way from Italy, to offer Taiji (Taichi) sessions.
Find out more here:
Taiji (Taichi) 太極 and Qigong 氣功 are ancient moving meditation practices. The Taiji path is a path of going back to the origin, bringing our system back into a more whole, balanced, harmonious condition, of investigation into the Self, and reconnection to one's deeper nature.
Sessions will be for all levels, and we will be focusing mostly on foundations. In this approach, "less is more", and working with foundations becomes a very advanced practice. Foundations hold up everything, it’s where we can work with the core causes of our current condition. So we'll work with aligning, opening, and releasing the body, and the breath, together with cultivating Qi, the quality of attention, our ability to listen, feel, be present.
Through the practice, we will accompany ourselves into a quieter more aware space, gradually learning how to gently stay open and awake in and with what arises. To ourselves, our hearts, the other, and life around us.

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